Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Which Social Media Is For You? By: Shawn Shapiro

It seems as if in this day in age social media is the new buzz word. Everyone wants to know how different forms of social networking can help them and their business. More than ever different forms of social networking are helping link people and businesses together. Here are some of the more notable forms.

Facebook: The proverbial “Grandfather” of all social media is still around and helping people connect. It is a great place to set up a profile for you personally or to create a group for your business. Though this form of social networking started out catering for the younger sect, people (and Business people) of all ages have now connected to make this a viable networking place for professionals.

Twitter: This social media is adept at telling people what you are up to at the moment and to send back interesting information and links.

LinkedIn: This is the most professional of the lot, and makes it easy for professionals to create a profile and link a network of people they know with recommendations and such. Many professionals use this program as it showcases education and past careers.

Blogs: Do you have a voice you want heard? Do you have points you want to elaborate on? Writing a blog has never been so simple with all the great and easy to use templates.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Be Safe, Have a Will!

You’re in your late twenties to mid thirties, and you are finally buying your first condo or house and potentially you are starting or building a family. Somebody throws out the “Crazy” idea that you should have a will and quickly you dismiss it by saying you’re young and you do not need that piece of paper yet.

Yes, there might have been a time when most people waited until their early forties and beyond to get a will, but to paraphrase that classic song “Times They Are a Changing”. People younger and younger are getting wills done and with good reason. Your will can delegate so many things from who gets your money to childcare issues and beyond.

A will is a piece of mind and can settle many qualms that people have when they pass on. It is definitely something to look into!