Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Art of Staging By: Shawn Shapiro

There was a time when selling a house was a more simplistic task. You put it on the market and that was that. In 2010 though there are more trends arising before putting your place on the market.

One such trend is that people want to see how dressed up a place can look; how a different table or chair can accentuate a place and beyond—they want to see it staged. This has created a demand more than ever for stagers- artistic types who help you jazz up your place before people come to look at it.

Now you might be asking yourself the question “Why Stage?” The answer is simple, it can help you sell! The most simplistic additions and changes can make a difference from putting out some flowers, arranging a nice dining room, and basically making your place look as if it is lived in properly. Jazzing your place up can really stimulate interest in your property.

There is now even an industry for stagers. It has become a booming business and many sellers use this service. Is staging the new way to go? It seems so!