Thursday, July 8, 2010


Love them or hate them chores have to be done if one wants to keep the place they live in nice. Can it ever be though that chores take over our lives as we know it. Some people spend their whole weekend toiling over cleaning a stove, fumbling in the garden and cleaning the floors. There are even chores at work from keeping the washroom clean to keeping your lunch area clean. For me though I do not mind fixing up my room, kitchen and such. It is truly nice to live in a clean and organized environment.

So here is a great word to live by and what is stands for:

C-leanse: Clean your place to the point that is fresh

L-ighten the Load: Always recycle and giveaway clutter

E-xcite Yourself: Do not ever make cleaning a downer make it an upper

A-ct Environmentally: When cleaning always used environmentally sound products

N-ever Give up: As hard as it is stay in for the long run

Friday, July 2, 2010


July 1st 2010 came and went and on top of Canada day Parties, fireworks and movies battling it out at your local theatre something else crept in the door; a little unwelcome friend name HST. For months people have been talking and talking about how this would eventually come into place and how it would affect us.

Well with the new tax in place, the next few months are really going to tell us what in the spectrum is going on.
Will this new tax make people avoid spending like the plague? Will HST do the positive things some have said it would do? Will HST be this decades Y2K, an explosion of pre-empted fear that goes nowhere? These next few weeks will tell!