Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Day to Remember

Why is this day different from every other? While on most days collectively we all think a bit possibly about how our ancestors, loved ones and friends who have fought or are fighting for our freedom (but probably not much), on this special day our minds are glued on these aspects of Canadian society. No matter who you are I bet your life in some way has been touched (Even if not directly) by someone who has or many years ago had defended Canada.

Remembrance Day is more important than ever now that Canada’s last living veteran from WWI has passed on and WWII veterans are aging rapidly. We obviously still have veterans from other wars and conflicts, but every year our number of WWII veterans shrinks at a rapid pace.

Let us be honest though, many people who are off on this somber and dignified day do not always pay proper respect to it. Many people though do go to services, grave sides or assemblies. Children and youth usually partake in special presentations at their respective schools.

Walking down the street today at 11am (the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, when we show our respect for a moment of silence) it was nice to see construction workers actually stop and pay tribute. Honking of cars actually ceased and buses stopped for a moment. It was heartwarming to see people took it seriously.

So however you are spending your day do something special to make it more than just any other day!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Phones: The New Frontier

So in retrospect, the last 15 years has brought a lot of technology to the forefront to help real estate agents do their jobs faster and better. These technologies have been partially responsible for helping usher a new age of growth in the industry. The internet has become the home base for sites like MLS and Zoocasa to exist and has made real estate a worldwide affair. High power faxing has made signing deals easier and a quicker affair.

One of the biggest changes though in technology has been cell phones and their growth and use in the industry.

From Blackberry’s to iphones, this new technology has helped agents build their network and keep linked while working on the run. Another newfangled idea is the fact you can now get listings on your phone by texting. This superb new feature really helps agents (and buyers and sellers alike) since prospective buyers can easily view the houses.

What is the next step in phone technology? What will science broach next? What should be tackled? Only time will tell!