Wednesday, June 20, 2012

WHY...June 30th?

What day of the year do you think is the busiest in both real estate and real estate law? Would it be in May? April? September? NOOOOOOO.... It is June 30th!!! Now, it is not an "official" or "scientific" notion but a very highly regarded one all in the same. Why is this date so important? For one the weather is generally great for moving, school is out, it is near long weekend and people can take off time. What else makes this day so key?

Monday, June 18, 2012

What Is Your Dream "PLACE" ?

What is your ideal and dream residence? Is it a "Deluxe Apartment in the Sky" a "home on the range" or anything in between? Many people fathom one thing when they are young and change it up when they mature... In the end what are you looking for? What peaks your interest? What enthralls you? Think long and hard???????? What works for you?