Thursday, February 3, 2011

SNOW-ZILLA: The Day After

So let’s be honest, Groundhog Day 2011 otherwise known as Stormzilla (or a host of other clever monikers) was a big bust. Yes it is true there was a heaping spoonful of snow. Yes it is true this is the most snow we have been recent snowfalls, but come on people let us not blow things out of proportion.

First off the called for 20-35 cm of white stuff did not come to fruition. It was more like 10cm plus with some minor snow squalls. Busses for the most part were staying on a “scientific pace” of a schedule and restaurants and pubs were bustling with people. The streets were a mélange of cars, vehicles and people and you could definitely tell schools were cancelled. Children ran rampant on the street and this so-called “Snow Day” engulfed the city.

So the question to our client and real-estate agent friends is, “Did you take a snow day”? On our end business was as usual albeit a lot less calls than we normally get. I think people were so scared off by the possibility of snow that they pre-emotively took time off.

So “The Great Groundhog Day Storm”, not so “Great” and such a “Storm”.

I tip my cap to whoever made it a day of normalcy.

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