Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Business Cards: The Lifeblood of Any Person

Think fast, what is the one promotional tool EVERY person needs in EVERY industry? Did you guess it? Yes, you are right, business cards!

Business cards are an essential marketing tool, especially for real estate agents, mortgage brokers and other people in that facet of the industry. Such a simple tool can mean so much.

It is more than just a small piece of paper printed up, it is an actual connection between people. One card lets people know your name, contact, profession as well as email. It helps them view a bit of who you are! Usually a handshake goes along with the exchange of a card and fuses two people together, even if just for seconds. A business card opens doors as well as closes them. It is a mirror of who you are.

So why is it that some people do not have business cards. They are not too expensive to print at a shop or even with todays amazing printers you can make them at home. I was at a recent event, and out of the 500 or so people I shook hands with only two thirds or so had cards. If you you are going to a large convention and spending several hundred on your ticket, you should definitely bring some business cards--it is just as simple as that!

So why are business cards so handy. For one they are small, succinct and get the point across. Even with technology the “Old School” technique works best.

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