Thursday, June 9, 2011


Who are you as a real estate agent? Who are you as a mortgage broker? Who are you as a person? What kind of service do you want to provide to your clientele? What makes you different from others in your game? As a person how are you in respect to others?

I think some questions are in order! Shouldn’t we be asking ourselves more questions to see who we want to be? Questions truly open us up and help us discover who we are and who we want to be. A simple self directed query could help you know how to gear your efforts in business or even how to live you life!

So how can a simple questioning of yourself help your business you ask? For example, let us say you are a real estate agent. You are working in a competitive market and obviously trying to differentiate yourself from the other agents in your field. So you could 100% ask yourself questions such as:
a) What type of client do I want to attract?
b) Do I Want to Take Every Client?
c) What Pre-Requisites Should I Have For Taking on a Client?
d) What Attributes Do I Have That Many Others Don’t That Would Attract Clients?

These questions would help score answers that could maybe help you in the marketplace. Maybe you will realize you have a special talent many do not have (i.e.-speak a language that may attract customers) and you can corner a market.

Questions can be extremely helpful and aid in your self discovery. The end result is knowing yourself better and everyone can use a bit of that!

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