Monday, November 21, 2011

Musings of a Cold November's Afternoon

Oh November you creeped in so quietly and took over so swiftly. You kicked October down like the dressed up Halloween fool it was and you painted the world a pre holiday glow! You changed our clocks and made our five o’clocks as dark as the coffee we sip in the morning to wake up!
Where has the year gone? Was it not yesterday we sipped champagne, sangs songs for the new year ahead and made resolutions we would break just days later?
Now on only November 21st, the holidays are already in full swing. People celebrate their distinct festivals of lights, schools gear down and people eat.
November is also a time where housing does not move swiftly, like the animalistic traits of a June or July. Where are the listings? Are people moving?
Oh November will you ever and end, and bring in December our holiday friend?

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