Friday, April 27, 2012

A GREAT "CONDO" READ!!! As per usual, I was doing my Thursday afternoon scan & perusal of the World Wide Web. It is my weekly tradition of trying to scour the depths of the world of articles for something to comment on. I wanted something very connected to what we see going on in the market right now. So I did come across this nice piece from HGTV Canada online. Both Short and sweet, this piece exmplifies what many of us had known from the past little while on the market. What has both “WHAT IS HOT?” & “WHAT IS NOT?” Condominiums There are many points that make the current condominium market a hot bed of interest. As stated in the piece noted above check out what is “HOT” and what is “NOT”. For me I agree with space, I need room in a barrier free area. If I bought a condominium I would also want something with neutral colors. Clutter was big “NOT” on the list! Agreed… So what works for you? What does not?

Sunday, April 15, 2012


...and soooooo many more

Reality television has been a strong part of our existence for many years now. The big foray was mainly started in 2000 with a show aptly called "SURVIVOR". This was not the first reality program (Nor the last) but it ushered in a new age of programming.

It is now 12 long years later and with everything from "Fear Factor" to "Canada's Got Talent", shows with a reality core are everywhere.

When it came to homes though, there was always a glut of programs on specialty stations. Maybe it is just now the REALITY TELEVISION is engrained in our lexicon that we are noticing it more and more.

Reality Shows with housing and real estate exist in all spectrums and are less about getting to know the person and more about the actual home and experience.

It is entertaining to watch these shows and learn more what you want from a property!

So which show for you reigns supreme????

Friday, April 13, 2012

What Is In A Name?


I was perusing the web looking for something interesting to peak an interest with our blogs audience. What to talk about was consuming my time? What would be interesting? Well, after time sifting carefully through real estate related fluff I have my answer! So let’s phrase it as a question shall we?
What do you call the aparatus most used in your bathroom? No, not your sink! Nope it is not the shower! YESSS, you go it!!! THE TOILET!
Potty? Toilet? Comode? Porcelain Throne?
A very interesting ad for Clorox toilet bowl cleaner posed this very question. We all have one in our house, while some of us have several!
What affectionate nickname have you given this important equipment? It is a strange question at the core is it not? A little odd ball even.
So what do you call it and why? Is there a little story… Please Comment we want to know!!!