Friday, April 27, 2012

A GREAT "CONDO" READ!!! As per usual, I was doing my Thursday afternoon scan & perusal of the World Wide Web. It is my weekly tradition of trying to scour the depths of the world of articles for something to comment on. I wanted something very connected to what we see going on in the market right now. So I did come across this nice piece from HGTV Canada online. Both Short and sweet, this piece exmplifies what many of us had known from the past little while on the market. What has both “WHAT IS HOT?” & “WHAT IS NOT?” Condominiums There are many points that make the current condominium market a hot bed of interest. As stated in the piece noted above check out what is “HOT” and what is “NOT”. For me I agree with space, I need room in a barrier free area. If I bought a condominium I would also want something with neutral colors. Clutter was big “NOT” on the list! Agreed… So what works for you? What does not?

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