Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Music, Memory & Dwellings

It can be said that music is the soundtrack of our lives. Every moment of our lives can be summed up by a song, whether it was playing at that point or if the moment matches a tune. Think back to a point in your life, whether it is that big sporting event you won, a wedding, graduation or perhaps that first kiss. Now try to associate a song with it. Pretty easy is it not?

Now why do we as humans have this sensory system where events can link our minds to music? One could say we are born with this ability, one could say we learn it. All this said it is a powerful ability that most people possess.

Now if events can be linked to music what about a house or apartment? The place you live? Could you have a deep sensorial attachment to the place in which you dwell? I for one think so.

When I think about the houses I have lived in over the years of my life I can 100% link songs in my head that make me recall incidents and events in the different homes. For example hearing The Beatle’s song “8 Days a Week” reminds me of how I used to study for exams in my basement and loop the song over and over; Hearing Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young’s “Our House” reminds me of doing house chores in the backyard; And of course hearing Gordon Lightfoot’s “Winter ‘s Night” makes me remember being 6 years old curled up in front a window at night staring from the warmth of my house into the snowy streets.

Music can really transform where we live. Now you give it a try! Pick a place you once lived and pick a place in the house. Now try really hard to think of a song that describes your memories and feelings. It is not that hard!

Music is the soundtrack to our lives and even more so the soundtrack of where we live and have lived.

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