Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Deja Vu

I sit and type as rain pours on the window pane at the office. The rain hits the pavement and makes a noise so distinct people in the office can hear it. As I stare out the window I notice a condominium building across the street and I realize something—I have seen it before around the city!
Now I do not mean in any way that I have seen the exact same structures, but I am finding that other than a handful of different and out there conceptual condominiums a lot of the new ones going up have a sort of familiarity to them.

Now I do not want to diminish the great job done, but I think a building with a bit of originality adds a bit of spunk and pizzazz! I think a little bit of a difference really can open the eyes of people viewing and make for an engaging sight to see.

So for me it is the condo’s that dare to be different (Excuse the cliché) that in my books are tops.

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