Friday, May 21, 2010

I Am Just a "Lookie-Loo"!

What a beautiful day! Days like these just do not come often, so we all have to enjoy them! One of my favorite things to do on a brisk evening as tonight will no doubt be is to walk around the neighborhood along Sheppard (between Yonge and Bayview) and house hunt. Now don’t look too much into this! I have no intentions of buying any of the attractive little bungalows or more modern developments. I simply enjoy a good walk deconstructing each house on my path.
Truly, what is wrong with that? Nothing in my opinion! I am a “lookie-loo” as they say, a passer-by who enjoys checking out the houses. It does not even matter if the house is “For Sale” or not, I enjoy seeing what works for me.
One thing that I have noticed in the Willowdale locale is that the area started off several decades ago as quaint bungalows with a lot of land in the back and front. Now with people’s needs changing and sales of these humble abodes in droves, people are bull dozing down old and building bigger, fancier new homes. So the area is really neat since you have your older homes mingling with the newer homes.
It is quite a site to see this going on in these neighborhoods. The area is so multi-cultural and each house (whether old or new, small or big) has a flavor all of it’s own. It is a neighborhood that definitely has something for everyone and is neat to walk around.

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