Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Picking An Agent

How do you pick a Real Estate agent? What modes or methods of reasoning can be used to find a match for you and your real estate needs? Well, let us discuss first off why getting an agent is the way to go for most people.

Now I know some of you might say I am biased since I work for a law firm that specializes in real estate law, but agents are key to the lifeblood of selling and buying a property. Yes, you can buy or sell on your own but there are so many risks involved. It is usually a safer and smoother experience for the most part to deal with a realtor. With RECO backing them it can save a ton of headaches along the way as well.

So we know now why getting an agent makes sense, let us discuss who should it be? There are so many tactics you could use to select the agent right for you.

First there is the tried and true method of using a family member or close friend. What is great about this is that you know you agent well (or semi- well) and they somewhat should know your needs in the market. It is also nice using someone you are familiar with.

Another way of finding an agent is through language skills. For example if your first spoken language is Korean you may feel more comfortable working with an agent you speaks fluent Korean. There are agents speaking a whole host of languages which can really make it easier for you as the buyer.

Specialization of area is another key way to narrow your search. Some agents have an area that they specialize in. For example one agent may have sold over 50 homes in the Thornhill Woods area and is an expert with it thus it would make sense if you wanted to buy or sell there to use them. Another agent may specialize in Willowdale, thus making them a better choice than someone who is all over the place.

Finally doing your homework and researching agents is another way to go. See a sign on a bench, call up the office and see what the agent is all about. This takes some time but will help you find the right agent.

Finding the right agent does not have to be hard or a chore it can be simplistic and more than anything a benefit to you and your family. Happy searching!

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