Wednesday, January 12, 2011

PIZZA:The Solution of the Day of Moving Hunger Pains

It’s 11:59am and moving is under way or possibly it is 5:59pm and moving is done. Your gears are shifting from moving mode to hunger mode. Your belly is making nautical sounds and feels as if the circus is in town. You need food but you JUST moved which means a whole host of problems (IE-No Food in the House, Low Cash, Lack of Time, and Fatigue). What is there to do?

I have moved several times and there is one tried and true delight which puts a smile on peoples face—pizza. It is cheap, easy, and accessible and you can share with your movers!

Pizza is the champion of meals for those moving. Think it through. Your legs are sore from all the movement and your arms feel like two dangling salami’s. Now picture this—you sit on that lone couch you have unpacked, quickly dial the digits of your favorite pizza place, and voila-in 40 minutes you have a piping hot pizza pie. Or consequently you can head over to the local grocery store pick up a frozen readymade pizza and pop it in the oven. Simplicity is key here.

Moving is hard, but do not do it alone, you have a friend named PIZZA!

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