Wednesday, February 29, 2012

TAKE ME HOME TONIGHT---> Top 10 Songs About Houses

Songs can do so much for our soul, our drive and psyche. Since this blog all pertains to real estate in the end, would it not be fitting to countdown the all time best 10 songs dealing with the notion of house or home? Here We Go :

1.) Our House- Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young (CSNY)
* This soulfully beautiful tune is a favorite for CSNY fans and music lovers alike... "I light the fire...It was a very very very fine house!"

2.) Home on the Range-Various Artists

3.) Sloop John B. - Beach Boys
* Heading home in Grandpa's old car never sounded so warm and inviting than in this enchanting ditty

4.) The Old Apartment- Barenaked Ladies (BNL)
* Classic BNL and a classic tale of past happiness in taht ol' place

5.) Homeward Bound- Simon and Garfunkle
* The duo never seemed stronger, or more cohesive on this tale of heading home...the final journey!

6.) Little Boxes-Pete Seeger

7.)Our House- Madness
* 1980's era fusion that excites the soul

8.)Pink Houses- John Cougar Mellancamp

9.)Houses of the Holy- Led Zeppelin

10.)California- Joni Mitchell

Keep your ears open!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Is it March? Is It December? Is It April? What, It Is February????!?!?! REALLY?

Look outside and take a gander at this weather... When and where are we?
It looks more like October, November, maybe even more like March than gusty ol' February!

Do not fret and frown, this is good is it not!??!

No slips on ice, no crazy morning commutes...

Okay Okay, there has been some "WINTERIFFIC" days, but all in all it has been a tame season!

So if it does snow a bit in the next month or so enjoy the end of the 2011-2012 winter session, but if not don't say I did not warn you!!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

How Was Your Oscar Party?

Did you jazz your place up with styrofoam statuettes spray painted gold? Did you serve ground up meat on a saltine emulating a fancier delight that you would see at a post Oscar ball?

How was your Oscar Party? How did you make your condo, house or rental feel less suburbia or urban and a little more the "Hollywood" you want it to be?

It is a night where everyone can be a "Queen", "King", "Prince" or "Princess" and your home can be like a celebrity?

It is a night of make believe where your house can be more glamorous!

So how did your place shine? How did you make it dazzle?

Hoarders Nation Part 4: A Brand New Lease on Life

The truth is once you drop your habit life will start to go back to normal…if you push it in that direction. DO NOT START THE HABIT AGAIN!!!
You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks! You Can Go Down a New and Better Road!
Live your Life Clutter free and feel good about your house again!
So hoarders unite, and let us not make this a Hoarders Nation!!! :)


Friday, February 17, 2012


Pack your briefcase, empty your desk and get out your wallet...LOOOOOOONG WEEEEEEEKEND!!!!

Is there two words sweeter to the ears of a working person? Make the most of the weekend though--Spring Clean!

Beautify your living space! Make it look perfect!

It is not warm enough yet to really wash the car, but organize your garage--it works!

What about vaccuming your vehicle? Throwing out that holiday waste you still have?

Make this weekend productive!

Hoarders Nation PART 3: Where to Begin?

So you are a hoarder!? You have come to this point and accepted it! Where do you go from here?
What is your starting point? How do you eliminate the habit of hoarding?
Treat it like another bad habit, smoking. Cold Turkey is hard, so try and gently get out of it.
Have a junk party. Invite over your 4 closest friends and sort through stuff while eating a pizza.
Every day clean for 15 minutes, this will help divide up the work and lessen the load!
Hire a company that specializes in clean up to work with you! Go through the clutter together and try and get rid of all uneeded waste.
You can do it, it will be hard, but you can do it!!!!
Think of all the benefits!
…To Be Continued

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hoarders Nation PART 2: Hoarding and Real Estate

One could ask with validity how is this phenomenon known simply as “hoarding” have any relevance in the world of real estate ?


Do you plan on ever selling your place? Do you plan on living in a potentially accident, infest, fire free home? Do you want your property value to increase? These are all reasons that (A) You Should not Hoard (B) hoarding ties into real estate.
Hoarding can also hinder landlord tenant issues.
There is no simple way to put it, but hoarding is a big problem, one that people have to eliminate….

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hoarders Nation PART 1: It Is A Hoarder’s World

It is not 1981, 1987, 1992, 1998, or 2005 and it never will be again so throw out those old “Simpson’s” calenders. That old broken jump rope with the HELLO KITTY bandages keeping it together can go in the rubbish pile as well! Really, you are keeping your worn down gym shoes from 2003?
Does this sound like you or someone else you know?
If so you might be a hoarder.
“Civil unrest or natural disaster may lead people to hoard foodstuffs, water, gasoline, and other essentials which they believe, rightly or wrongly, will soon be in short supply.”
The above is a basic definition of hoarding from wikipedia. In more recent affairs though hoarding can be linked with words like “Compulsive”, “Obsessive” and “Habitual”. In recent news people have lots domocile to infestation, fire and eviction due to this mass obsession.
How can we help individuals who feel the need to collect and hoard???
… To Be Continued

Friday, February 10, 2012

It's Now Or Never AKA - Yes Vs. No

I have a true interest in real estate, I really do! I enjoy looking at what is on the market, researching what is on the market and really culling a large knowledge of inventory. Many a happy weekend are spent looking at open houses trying to see what will be the house or condo I eventually purchase.
Living in a society where we are so privy to MLS, internet, teleivision and other vices that help us learn of product on the market it is becoming increasingly harder to buy. Why? In my truthful opinion, we are all looking for the “PERFECT” property. Some people have the mentality of the “Green Lawn and White Picket Fence” some for the “Deluxe Condo in the Sky”. Whatever it is we always as humans assume that the “Next” house or condo we are shown could be the “TRUE ONE” and that the grass is “Greener” on the other side!
“Good” is “Perfect” and “No” or “Maybe” should be a “Yes”? We have to be better at self realization and the realization of our dreams. Not everything can be “Storybook Perfect” you know.
So next time you are in the market is “YES” always a “YES”?