Friday, February 10, 2012

It's Now Or Never AKA - Yes Vs. No

I have a true interest in real estate, I really do! I enjoy looking at what is on the market, researching what is on the market and really culling a large knowledge of inventory. Many a happy weekend are spent looking at open houses trying to see what will be the house or condo I eventually purchase.
Living in a society where we are so privy to MLS, internet, teleivision and other vices that help us learn of product on the market it is becoming increasingly harder to buy. Why? In my truthful opinion, we are all looking for the “PERFECT” property. Some people have the mentality of the “Green Lawn and White Picket Fence” some for the “Deluxe Condo in the Sky”. Whatever it is we always as humans assume that the “Next” house or condo we are shown could be the “TRUE ONE” and that the grass is “Greener” on the other side!
“Good” is “Perfect” and “No” or “Maybe” should be a “Yes”? We have to be better at self realization and the realization of our dreams. Not everything can be “Storybook Perfect” you know.
So next time you are in the market is “YES” always a “YES”?

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