Monday, February 13, 2012

Hoarders Nation PART 1: It Is A Hoarder’s World

It is not 1981, 1987, 1992, 1998, or 2005 and it never will be again so throw out those old “Simpson’s” calenders. That old broken jump rope with the HELLO KITTY bandages keeping it together can go in the rubbish pile as well! Really, you are keeping your worn down gym shoes from 2003?
Does this sound like you or someone else you know?
If so you might be a hoarder.
“Civil unrest or natural disaster may lead people to hoard foodstuffs, water, gasoline, and other essentials which they believe, rightly or wrongly, will soon be in short supply.”
The above is a basic definition of hoarding from wikipedia. In more recent affairs though hoarding can be linked with words like “Compulsive”, “Obsessive” and “Habitual”. In recent news people have lots domocile to infestation, fire and eviction due to this mass obsession.
How can we help individuals who feel the need to collect and hoard???
… To Be Continued

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