Thursday, March 8, 2012

Feelin' Groovy (A Poet's Journey Into The Spring Market)

I Dreampt of a Place with Satin and Lace with a lawn with a white Picket Fence,
I tucked away quarters and I tucked away dimes but it made very little fiscal sense.
My heart was in it, my focus was on my dream I tried everything I could
But in the end the saving did not matter, owning a house I thought I never would,
But the Spring market she came and inventory sprang and the world of housing opened before my very eyes,
I now live in a house fit for a King and the market I do not despise!

The point of this made up poem is crystal clear!
Buy a house on the Spring market and have no fear!!!!!
Leave your ambitions and notions at the door
And pick your wallpaper and your floor!

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