Monday, March 12, 2012

Working 9-5 (What a Way To Make a Living)--- OR NOT

Tumble outta bed, And stumble to the kitchen, Pour myself a cup of ambition, Yawnin' and stretchin' and try to come to life

Jump in the shower, And the blood starts pumpin', Out on the streets
The traffic starts jumpin', With folks like me on the job from 9 to 5
"9 to 5" 1980- By Dolly Parton
Yes it is an old song and parts not included can be weird and outdated, but 32 year after it won music awards, became a pop staple and made the movie of the same name a smash hit there is much truth in the lyrics. Though I will say some of it is severely outdated--or at least HR would hope so!

Are these opening lyrics not many of our daily routines? I know that for me coffee or hot chocolate is my drink of ambition though I do not pour it at home but have another worker pour it for me at my local Tim Horton's.

One thing I will say though is the song should be called 7-8 as in 7am-8pm...Who really works the 1970's and 1980's typical day in this new fangled era?

It is funny to listen to this song since it is so relevant yet so far from the truth....

So do you work 9-5?

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