Friday, March 23, 2012


Painting your house/condo or apartment can be a difficult decision. Yes, it does seem simple at the core but when you dissect all the smaller and more trivial issues it comes out to be a more complex idea. Who knew that something so simple could be so hard?
The negatives of painting your house are obviously the high cost, the trouble and time, the inconvenience, and the health factor. There are some strong positives though. It freshens up your place, it can add value if you are selling and it helps in the aesthetic cleaning process. So to paint or not to paint is the question lingering.
How often should you be painting your walls in your place? Some say the outrageously silly every year, while some say as little as once a decade.
In the core of this battle is the question “WHY DO YOU WANT TO PAINT?” If it is to clean up the place maybe every 3-5 years is sufficient. If you recently did it but are getting your house appraised or thinking of selling it might be the time.
Many experts will tell you there can be both TOO MUCH and TOO LITTLE times to paint. So, the short of it is you must guage and measure.
So in your thoughts when is it painting time? When is it clearly not?

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