Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Pool

So it seems that the summer of 2012 is ending in the same way it began...with a bizarre twist! It was in March of this year that out of nowhere summer weather appeared. After about a week and a half of true summer heat March and April went to still strange yet much cooler temperatures. Then summer came without much spring. Two weeks ago it was August and the heat was still here, two weeks later though, temperatures are now cooling fast. What does this mean for some homeowners? It might be time to close your pool. Yes, many people feel that it is better to wait. Maybe there will be one more blast of heat! Yes, it would be very nice to have another short heat wave and take a cold and refreshing dip in the pool, but is it really going happen?

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Power of a Business Card

They are small and usually rectangular. They come in various sizes and colors. They let your networking world know who you are. What are we talking about? Simple- Business Cards!!! A new generation as well as more seasoned ones are being told how important having these forms of networking are...and they are right! Some things have changed though drastically. First off where the standard card was once mostly rectangular and small, sizes and shapes are speedily changing. Also format is changing as well. Cards now come as part of a USB or in the shape of a handout. Times sure have changed!!! So what is the most unique style of a quasi card?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

WHY...June 30th?

What day of the year do you think is the busiest in both real estate and real estate law? Would it be in May? April? September? NOOOOOOO.... It is June 30th!!! Now, it is not an "official" or "scientific" notion but a very highly regarded one all in the same. Why is this date so important? For one the weather is generally great for moving, school is out, it is near long weekend and people can take off time. What else makes this day so key?

Monday, June 18, 2012

What Is Your Dream "PLACE" ?

What is your ideal and dream residence? Is it a "Deluxe Apartment in the Sky" a "home on the range" or anything in between? Many people fathom one thing when they are young and change it up when they mature... In the end what are you looking for? What peaks your interest? What enthralls you? Think long and hard???????? What works for you?

Friday, April 27, 2012

A GREAT "CONDO" READ!!! As per usual, I was doing my Thursday afternoon scan & perusal of the World Wide Web. It is my weekly tradition of trying to scour the depths of the world of articles for something to comment on. I wanted something very connected to what we see going on in the market right now. So I did come across this nice piece from HGTV Canada online. Both Short and sweet, this piece exmplifies what many of us had known from the past little while on the market. What has both “WHAT IS HOT?” & “WHAT IS NOT?” Condominiums There are many points that make the current condominium market a hot bed of interest. As stated in the piece noted above check out what is “HOT” and what is “NOT”. For me I agree with space, I need room in a barrier free area. If I bought a condominium I would also want something with neutral colors. Clutter was big “NOT” on the list! Agreed… So what works for you? What does not?

Sunday, April 15, 2012


...and soooooo many more

Reality television has been a strong part of our existence for many years now. The big foray was mainly started in 2000 with a show aptly called "SURVIVOR". This was not the first reality program (Nor the last) but it ushered in a new age of programming.

It is now 12 long years later and with everything from "Fear Factor" to "Canada's Got Talent", shows with a reality core are everywhere.

When it came to homes though, there was always a glut of programs on specialty stations. Maybe it is just now the REALITY TELEVISION is engrained in our lexicon that we are noticing it more and more.

Reality Shows with housing and real estate exist in all spectrums and are less about getting to know the person and more about the actual home and experience.

It is entertaining to watch these shows and learn more what you want from a property!

So which show for you reigns supreme????

Friday, April 13, 2012

What Is In A Name?


I was perusing the web looking for something interesting to peak an interest with our blogs audience. What to talk about was consuming my time? What would be interesting? Well, after time sifting carefully through real estate related fluff I have my answer! So let’s phrase it as a question shall we?
What do you call the aparatus most used in your bathroom? No, not your sink! Nope it is not the shower! YESSS, you go it!!! THE TOILET!
Potty? Toilet? Comode? Porcelain Throne?
A very interesting ad for Clorox toilet bowl cleaner posed this very question. We all have one in our house, while some of us have several!
What affectionate nickname have you given this important equipment? It is a strange question at the core is it not? A little odd ball even.
So what do you call it and why? Is there a little story… Please Comment we want to know!!!

Friday, March 30, 2012


What makes Toronto special to you? What makes it unique? What makes it different?

Toronto is a wonderland for culture, tolerance and beauty both natural and human made. Toronto is not only a huge tourist attraction but a place many move to later in life.

What makes Toronto the special place you live in?

To some people it is sports…to some arts… to some politics

So here are my TOP 10 reasons Toronto Rocks…

10.) The Streets Are Paved With Food: From Korean delights at Yonge and Finch to the hotdog and chip laddened streets dowtown Toronto gives people a dose of yummy snacks. As part of our culture we have come to love our “Street Meat”.
9.) Moose on the Loose: “Have you ever seen a moose, out on the loose? Down by…Toronto????” It has been well over a decade but these fine specimens of Toronto are everywhere there is importance in the city.
8.) Kensington Market: What a glorious place and not just because of its fictionalization in the old show “King of Kensington” with the late great Al Waxman. The market is lined with amazing vendors, food and a rich history and artistic flavor. It is so fun to walk time and time again in this wonderful area.
7.) That Good Ol’ Hockey Game… : We have the Hockey Hall of Fame. It is the house of hockey histroy and no other hockey town can lay the claim we have.
6.) I Love The Nightlife: Toronto has a spectacular nightlife as seen best at John and Richmond. From the beautiful dining establishements, pubs and patios to clubs, lounges and theatres, Toronto is stocked!
5.) See You at the Dome? We Will Hang at the ACC! : It might be the Rogers Centre to you but it will always the Skydome to me! The ACC is the newer addition, yet it is still of model of a greate venue.
4.) Home of the…Teams?: Yes it is true our teams in the arena of sporting have fell on some pretty hard times (Leafs, Raptors, Argonauts, Jays, TFC, Marlies) but they are a part of who we are as a city.
3.) Tall Wonder: As one the largest freestanding structures in the world the CN Tower has become an icon of Toronto. Now with the sky walk the tower is forming new fans and an even more positive existence with travellers.
2.) Maple Leaf Gardens: Though retired as the place of the Leafs in 1999, MLG is now the flagship Loblwas store with a Maple Leaf flavor. Walking through the store things you will see include
* Tons of blue and white
* Staff wearing Maple Leaf jerseys and clothing
* Art created from old MLG seats
To see this new fangled store is to lose yourself in its beauty.
1.) Take a Ride: There are always those who say other cities and destinations have much better subway and transit systems, but TTC works for me. I enjoy the ride and the experience!

...and obviously much more!

Monday, March 26, 2012

There's A Party In The House Tonight!!!!

It is spring and we are ahead of time in the weather department. So why not throw a shindig at your place. It is the perfect time for a patio party outside.
So line up your good patio furniture and get ready to invite the guests and open up your home to a night of fun…
Some ideas to get you started:
• Serve a 100-Mile Menu: With the theme of Spring buy locally grown and organic items for your party
• It Is Spring… So Go Greeeeeen: Serve all food and drink with your chinaware trying to alleviate waste. If you must serve disposable items, get biodegradable items
• Do A Theme Night: Pick a theme and stick by it. The weather has been great so a Spring motif might be your theme.
• POTLUCK: Get people to each bring an item. Does someone make killer coleslaw? Does your Aunt bake heavenly cookies? Get people to bring their specialty!
• Keep Costs Low: You do not have to spend a lot to have a good time. Serve food that is not maybe “Steak” or something fancy. Don’t be cheap, be smart!
These are just a few simple tips for you to throw the party of the year. Enjoy the weather and enjoy the spring.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Ahh the old fireplace! Many a years ago these old friends were used to cook and for sources of heat. Cut to a century or two later and now they are more for aesthetics than anything.
The notion of the fireplace has largely shifted from a heat source to an eye pleaser of convenience and decoration and show. Most homes have gas or electric fireplaces and on ROGERS television boxes you can watch the fire log channel if you want to simulate the warmth and good feelings of yesteryear.
Now that is not to say NOBODY uses these contraptions for heat anymore. Many cottagers still use wood burning and fireplaces as do some older houses.
I remember growing up in a house built around 1974. It was fully intact with a checkered brick fireplace…it was glorious. I remember crisp, thick logs sitting under the mantle and the fresh wood burning scent going through the chimney and into my nostrils.
It is moments like these that imprint themselves in our minds. To be honest, a new generation is missing out on something wonderful! Yes, the new fangled fireplaces of today have easy cleanup and setup but the ones of yesteryear are memory machines. They created good times.
I say we bring back the wood burning fireplace. Builders are you listening? I know that if my new build had an authentic feel of the past I would be game.
Sometimes memories are more important that the EASY factor…Do you not agree?
The scent. The look. The sound.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Painting your house/condo or apartment can be a difficult decision. Yes, it does seem simple at the core but when you dissect all the smaller and more trivial issues it comes out to be a more complex idea. Who knew that something so simple could be so hard?
The negatives of painting your house are obviously the high cost, the trouble and time, the inconvenience, and the health factor. There are some strong positives though. It freshens up your place, it can add value if you are selling and it helps in the aesthetic cleaning process. So to paint or not to paint is the question lingering.
How often should you be painting your walls in your place? Some say the outrageously silly every year, while some say as little as once a decade.
In the core of this battle is the question “WHY DO YOU WANT TO PAINT?” If it is to clean up the place maybe every 3-5 years is sufficient. If you recently did it but are getting your house appraised or thinking of selling it might be the time.
Many experts will tell you there can be both TOO MUCH and TOO LITTLE times to paint. So, the short of it is you must guage and measure.
So in your thoughts when is it painting time? When is it clearly not?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

You Don't Want a Money Pit, Do You?

In the 1980's there was a very popular comedic film starring Tom Hanks called "THE MONEY PIT". The film was all about a young couple who buy a house only to sink tons of money into it, thus the self explanatory title.

I think we have all time and time again experienced our own incarnation of this scenario. Was it a car? Was it a boat? Was it a computer? Was it... a house or condominium?

Why as a collective of society are we sooo ready and willing to buy a "FIXER" or something that will require money to get it up to speed?
Money can not fix and repair everything... Or can it?

So what is your MONEY PIT???

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

C'est Chaud!

With Spring literally creeping around the corner (HELLLLLO MARCH 21st) it seems like we might prematurely be trading our shovels for lawnmowers and our sleds for bikes...

It is getting HOT and it is only middle-late March...

What is going on out here? Is this balmy weather going to stay? With Jack Frost tempt our sizzling Spring with a quasi Winter Wonderland?

The warmth is a welcome treat... but will it truely last?

Monday, March 19, 2012


There are many types of people that need to be integral and involved in the selling and buying of a property. Yes, there are the ones that are obvious—Real Estate Agent, Mortgage Broker, Lawyer—but then there are the people we tend to forget, but that are oh so important—Stager, Junk Removal, House Inspector.
How do you qualify someone you are going to work with? It is easy to say you do, yet much harder to actually do it.
So the question is, when you are forming your team for the sale or purchase, what leads you to bring someone on?
One thing that many people overlook is the cohesiveness of a team. You want different parts of your team to mesh properly. So if your agent and lawyer do not mesh or your mortgage broker and agent do not see eye to you might have a problem on your hands.
So what questions can you pose? What ideas can you broach? What can you do to properly find the “DREAM TEAM”?
For one thing you can find out if your professionals have anyone they regularly partner or work with. This can sometimes pose as a conflict of interest though.
Talking to people in your area or friends or family is great too. Maybe “Joe-The Real Estate Agent” and “Rachel-The Lawyer” work very well together! Maybe “Jennifer-The Home Inspector” and “Patrick-The Mortgage Broker” have an iffy working relationship.
It is all about reasearch and planning. Make sure your team works, so your deal will too.
Ask questions whenever needed and do not be afraid to keep doing so! Fueling conversations with your questions will help you get a clear and consice understanding of who you are working with.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Green: The Shades of Spring...

It seems as if we might be in for a full fledged Spring welcoming just around the corner. So for me every season has different shades that I fully associate with it

FALL: Orange, Brown and Dark Yellow
SUMMER: Red, Blue and Green
WINTER: White, Grey, Black

but Spring... What are the shades of Spring?


When I see green, it jumps out to me and says- "Hey, It Is Spring"

What is the color of your Spring?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

House Versus Home = What Is It?

There are two very similar terms tossed around all too much.
We love our "HOUSE"
We love our "HOME"
So which is it?

For me I like to think there is a distinct difference.

This is how I like to break it down...

HOUSE: The physical structure
HOME: The warmth and feeling the people in it bring

Maybe you think I am way off but I think a house is what you buy and a home is what you make...Is it not?

What makes a house your home? Is it the people in it? The decorations?
What gives you that special feeling when you enter?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Working 9-5 (What a Way To Make a Living)--- OR NOT

Tumble outta bed, And stumble to the kitchen, Pour myself a cup of ambition, Yawnin' and stretchin' and try to come to life

Jump in the shower, And the blood starts pumpin', Out on the streets
The traffic starts jumpin', With folks like me on the job from 9 to 5
"9 to 5" 1980- By Dolly Parton
Yes it is an old song and parts not included can be weird and outdated, but 32 year after it won music awards, became a pop staple and made the movie of the same name a smash hit there is much truth in the lyrics. Though I will say some of it is severely outdated--or at least HR would hope so!

Are these opening lyrics not many of our daily routines? I know that for me coffee or hot chocolate is my drink of ambition though I do not pour it at home but have another worker pour it for me at my local Tim Horton's.

One thing I will say though is the song should be called 7-8 as in 7am-8pm...Who really works the 1970's and 1980's typical day in this new fangled era?

It is funny to listen to this song since it is so relevant yet so far from the truth....

So do you work 9-5?

Friday, March 9, 2012

Debunking the Myth of The Man Cave

What is this "Man Cave" I hear so much about?

Are we a generation of proverbial "Bruce Wayne's", "Peter Parker's" and "Tony Stark's" snarling from humanity looking to cloistre ourselves from the world? Or simply are we a generation of men who just enjoy solitude playing pinball and watching sports?

For me I do not need or want a so-called "Man Cave". What do I have that I would not want to share with anyone? What do I possess that need the sort of secrecy that alludes NASA?

No Man Cave!!! How about a CLAN CAVE a place where it is FUN for the whole family??? Stuff for him and her and she and he...even your terrier is allowed down there!

So let us debunk the whole theory of this outdated cave and change things around and be inclusive!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Feelin' Groovy (A Poet's Journey Into The Spring Market)

I Dreampt of a Place with Satin and Lace with a lawn with a white Picket Fence,
I tucked away quarters and I tucked away dimes but it made very little fiscal sense.
My heart was in it, my focus was on my dream I tried everything I could
But in the end the saving did not matter, owning a house I thought I never would,
But the Spring market she came and inventory sprang and the world of housing opened before my very eyes,
I now live in a house fit for a King and the market I do not despise!

The point of this made up poem is crystal clear!
Buy a house on the Spring market and have no fear!!!!!
Leave your ambitions and notions at the door
And pick your wallpaper and your floor!

Friday, March 2, 2012

A Coat of Paint Makes It What It 'Aint!

Is your living space looking a bit dull and shallow? Feeling the winter blues but not just from the weather, but also from your place?


Go to your local paint shop or hardware store and paint your place.

Make it a fun event! Invite some friends over for a pizza and paint session... Yes, it can be fun!

Try out patterns, try fun and new designs...change your style!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

R.I.P- The Home Phone

We are gathered here today to say goodbye to an "Old" friend. We never thought you would leave, and took for granted that you would always be there. GOODBYE

You helped us make plans, record funny messages and you helped us connect with the world. There was a time you were our whole universe, see you are a relic or remnant of some distant and old past.

You once hung on our walls and sat on our computer desks. You sat next to our bed side and alerted us when need be.

Your new fangled cousin (AKA-The Cell) has marched in on your territory and made many forget you existed...

You will not be forgotten!!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

TAKE ME HOME TONIGHT---> Top 10 Songs About Houses

Songs can do so much for our soul, our drive and psyche. Since this blog all pertains to real estate in the end, would it not be fitting to countdown the all time best 10 songs dealing with the notion of house or home? Here We Go :

1.) Our House- Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young (CSNY)
* This soulfully beautiful tune is a favorite for CSNY fans and music lovers alike... "I light the fire...It was a very very very fine house!"

2.) Home on the Range-Various Artists

3.) Sloop John B. - Beach Boys
* Heading home in Grandpa's old car never sounded so warm and inviting than in this enchanting ditty

4.) The Old Apartment- Barenaked Ladies (BNL)
* Classic BNL and a classic tale of past happiness in taht ol' place

5.) Homeward Bound- Simon and Garfunkle
* The duo never seemed stronger, or more cohesive on this tale of heading home...the final journey!

6.) Little Boxes-Pete Seeger

7.)Our House- Madness
* 1980's era fusion that excites the soul

8.)Pink Houses- John Cougar Mellancamp

9.)Houses of the Holy- Led Zeppelin

10.)California- Joni Mitchell

Keep your ears open!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Is it March? Is It December? Is It April? What, It Is February????!?!?! REALLY?

Look outside and take a gander at this weather... When and where are we?
It looks more like October, November, maybe even more like March than gusty ol' February!

Do not fret and frown, this is good is it not!??!

No slips on ice, no crazy morning commutes...

Okay Okay, there has been some "WINTERIFFIC" days, but all in all it has been a tame season!

So if it does snow a bit in the next month or so enjoy the end of the 2011-2012 winter session, but if not don't say I did not warn you!!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

How Was Your Oscar Party?

Did you jazz your place up with styrofoam statuettes spray painted gold? Did you serve ground up meat on a saltine emulating a fancier delight that you would see at a post Oscar ball?

How was your Oscar Party? How did you make your condo, house or rental feel less suburbia or urban and a little more the "Hollywood" you want it to be?

It is a night where everyone can be a "Queen", "King", "Prince" or "Princess" and your home can be like a celebrity?

It is a night of make believe where your house can be more glamorous!

So how did your place shine? How did you make it dazzle?

Hoarders Nation Part 4: A Brand New Lease on Life

The truth is once you drop your habit life will start to go back to normal…if you push it in that direction. DO NOT START THE HABIT AGAIN!!!
You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks! You Can Go Down a New and Better Road!
Live your Life Clutter free and feel good about your house again!
So hoarders unite, and let us not make this a Hoarders Nation!!! :)


Friday, February 17, 2012


Pack your briefcase, empty your desk and get out your wallet...LOOOOOOONG WEEEEEEEKEND!!!!

Is there two words sweeter to the ears of a working person? Make the most of the weekend though--Spring Clean!

Beautify your living space! Make it look perfect!

It is not warm enough yet to really wash the car, but organize your garage--it works!

What about vaccuming your vehicle? Throwing out that holiday waste you still have?

Make this weekend productive!

Hoarders Nation PART 3: Where to Begin?

So you are a hoarder!? You have come to this point and accepted it! Where do you go from here?
What is your starting point? How do you eliminate the habit of hoarding?
Treat it like another bad habit, smoking. Cold Turkey is hard, so try and gently get out of it.
Have a junk party. Invite over your 4 closest friends and sort through stuff while eating a pizza.
Every day clean for 15 minutes, this will help divide up the work and lessen the load!
Hire a company that specializes in clean up to work with you! Go through the clutter together and try and get rid of all uneeded waste.
You can do it, it will be hard, but you can do it!!!!
Think of all the benefits!
…To Be Continued

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hoarders Nation PART 2: Hoarding and Real Estate

One could ask with validity how is this phenomenon known simply as “hoarding” have any relevance in the world of real estate ?


Do you plan on ever selling your place? Do you plan on living in a potentially accident, infest, fire free home? Do you want your property value to increase? These are all reasons that (A) You Should not Hoard (B) hoarding ties into real estate.
Hoarding can also hinder landlord tenant issues.
There is no simple way to put it, but hoarding is a big problem, one that people have to eliminate….

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hoarders Nation PART 1: It Is A Hoarder’s World

It is not 1981, 1987, 1992, 1998, or 2005 and it never will be again so throw out those old “Simpson’s” calenders. That old broken jump rope with the HELLO KITTY bandages keeping it together can go in the rubbish pile as well! Really, you are keeping your worn down gym shoes from 2003?
Does this sound like you or someone else you know?
If so you might be a hoarder.
“Civil unrest or natural disaster may lead people to hoard foodstuffs, water, gasoline, and other essentials which they believe, rightly or wrongly, will soon be in short supply.”
The above is a basic definition of hoarding from wikipedia. In more recent affairs though hoarding can be linked with words like “Compulsive”, “Obsessive” and “Habitual”. In recent news people have lots domocile to infestation, fire and eviction due to this mass obsession.
How can we help individuals who feel the need to collect and hoard???
… To Be Continued

Friday, February 10, 2012

It's Now Or Never AKA - Yes Vs. No

I have a true interest in real estate, I really do! I enjoy looking at what is on the market, researching what is on the market and really culling a large knowledge of inventory. Many a happy weekend are spent looking at open houses trying to see what will be the house or condo I eventually purchase.
Living in a society where we are so privy to MLS, internet, teleivision and other vices that help us learn of product on the market it is becoming increasingly harder to buy. Why? In my truthful opinion, we are all looking for the “PERFECT” property. Some people have the mentality of the “Green Lawn and White Picket Fence” some for the “Deluxe Condo in the Sky”. Whatever it is we always as humans assume that the “Next” house or condo we are shown could be the “TRUE ONE” and that the grass is “Greener” on the other side!
“Good” is “Perfect” and “No” or “Maybe” should be a “Yes”? We have to be better at self realization and the realization of our dreams. Not everything can be “Storybook Perfect” you know.
So next time you are in the market is “YES” always a “YES”?